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The next step for NVK: Merging into Mesa!

Kara Bembridge avatar

Kara Bembridge
July 26, 2023

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NVK, an open-source Vulkan driver for NVIDIA hardware in Mesa, was introduced last October and has since gained momentum. After months of work, led by Collabora's own Faith Ekstrand, Red Hat's Karol Herbst, and numerous open source contributors, NVK is now considered ready to be merged into the main Mesa project. There is now a merge request against the main Mesa git repository adding the new driver.

Faith highlights the new features and the work that will go into it by stating:

"I won't claim parity with RADV but we've got a pretty solid set at this point. My GSoC student (@mohamexiety) is most of the way through YCbCr and, once that's done, we'll be able to claim Vulkan 1.2 with reasonable confidence. We've also got a decent set of features on top of that. Not everything required for DXVK, VKD3D, and Zink, but we've got most of it. What remains is either annoying (lines) or is compiler heavy enough that I'd rather just get the new back-end compiler up and going than try to fix all the codegen bugs."

This is a community-based project and the hope is that with continued support, we will have the opportunity to advance this project and push NVK's ability further.

Faith has not yet merged the code, but to gain more insight on the work behind it, check out https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/merge_requests/24326


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